Balance your metabolism

Endocannabinoidome is key homeostatic regulator in our body. Balancing endocannabinoidome results in balanced metabolism.

People often thinking about their metabolism if they are overweighted or obese. Metabolic syndrome can be present even if you have a normal weight.

Normal weight person have higher risk of Metabolic syndrome consequences. Therefore you should ask for professional support if you experience any of 5 elements of Metabolic syndrome.

100% Natural Solution

Oliveamid (active ingredient Oleoylethanolamide – OEA) is a natural product, which is a mono unsaturated analogue of the anandamide.
Its is synthesised naturally by the Intestine, due to the oleic acid which is the main component of Oliver Oil. If your diet is compromised, you may need to take additional OEA supplementation.

Natural supplement

Made from Olive oil

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with EBBA® Certified Health Coach

Start with Charlotte

Our EBBA® Certified Health Coach Charlotte is here to support you. So you can start your new health journey today with


Charlotte, with her passion for helping others achieve optimal health, has completed several courses including our Endoverse Endocannabinology Balance Approach, Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Herbalist, Understanding Autism, and Counselling Skills.

Use our free initial consultation to learn, how to prepare your individual lifestyle modification plan to get maximum from the Oliveamid. If you will find further support needed, you can agree on 3 – month Endoverse Endocannabinology Balance Program, with Charlotte.

Shop now!

It is highly recommended to use this supplement at least for the 3 months. Choose bulk supply and get instant 10% off.

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